I would also like to start 2006 by getting some ish off my chest while I’m out here. First off this blog experience has been amazing in so many aspects. What a feeling it was to discover there are other men and women on this earth who are faced with the same day to day issues as I. I can’t even remember how I was first turned on to blogging, but I do remember reading through different people’s thoughts and experiences and thinking-this is what I have been looking for all along. For years I would write material only to share it with “jump offs” or other kats, bootie calls, who were not interested in it at all. I would share a piece I had wrote or some passionate poetry, and all I can read in their eyes in a blank STARE was “when are you going to just shut up and fuck me”.
Through this blog not only can I keep a journal for myself but I can also share my talent with those from people from all over the place. Everyone’s blog is so unique and original in its own respect. SoI have finally put up what I call a Peoples Corner. I was tired of just browsing my way through others blogs and I wanted easy access to blogs of interest (in no particular order). There are many people whose lives I find not only interesting but also motivating, so if you’re on there it's for a good reason. Of course I will be adding more to the mix, this is just what I have come up with so far. I expect to meet many more inspiring individuals through my blogging experience and I hope my own thoughts and accounts can motivate others going through a similar time in their life. There may be some occassions where I might post something that might be taken offensive or out of context, please do not take it personal. I found that blogging came more at ease for me when I started to realize the material on here is for my own self. Not to impress some of you sexy men and women I have discovered through others links/comments, but to provide some type of “breadcrumb” trail to my journey into adulthood. Everyday I am faced with issues that test my faith and man hood, and I believe part of the growing process is the importance of being able to look back; not to dwell in it but to learn from the experience. With that being said, there is a special shout out I’m sending to all the bloggers that have inspired me to continue to work on my writing skills as a hobby. THANK YOU for giving me an outlet out of A4A, M4N, BP, etc. Thank you for reading and providing feedback on my writing, instead of revealing that blank STARE I was running from for quite a while.
Have a safe and Blessed New Year