Monday, December 05, 2005

S.O. Monday

Hello Monday

I’m supposed to be up at 7am this morning, so I can leave my house no later than 8am, so I can be at work by 9. So my day started kind of messed up because I wake up at 9:12! I don’t do this too often yall I just kind of forget I had to go to work LOL. I figure shit I’m already late so I made it a point to stop at ChikfilA and get my infamous morning sweet tea to start my day right. I got to work at about 10:30, so now I owe my boss an hour because I forfeited my lunch today. I had to make up some lie, about my keys being locked in the car. I get to my desk and I pray and ask the good Lord for forgiveness for that lie, and now I have to make sure my keys REALLY don’t get locked in my car in the future because that is how karma works.

Okay so yesterday was Sunday so I had to keep it clean but now that monday's here lets get some real live jive.

I have posted the term SO in the past and I just want to let yall be aware, it is short for significant other. My SO in this story is somewhat significant because we met on new years eve and had been exclusively seein each other ever since then. Okay so my SO has been stayin wit me the past couple of week until he find an apt (he was recently evicted), get his money right, etc etc right? I made this decision kinda hasty, I mean this guy really showed his A last summer, talking about he didn’t know what he wanted, he needed time and space, blah blah blah. I’m like OK, I chalked him up as a loss and returned to my player ways. Now my SO needs me and as the good man that I am, I let him in my home. I was really feelin this kat yall that’s why its been kind of messy havin this guy stay wit me. First off we are NOT in a relationship or commitment, so Im NOT supposed to mind if his cell phone goes off at odd hours in the evening. I guess im not supposed to mind the fact that he stays out for days in a row. I guess im not supposed to mind he may be seeing people other than me but the truth is that I do mind. The difference with the old soul and the new soul is that I can let this roll of the back real easy. I guess its just part of the new soul, the one who doesn’t put too much energy into this. I don’t want to give the guy a hard time either because I’m like, how would I want for someone to treat ME if it was I in his situation. For now I am just enjoying his company and continue to help him find something within his price range. I had planned my day accordingly Saturday, which was the day we were supposed to go look for apts, and I was stood up. How am i gonna get stood up and im helpin YOU out LOL I got a text at 2 talkin bout he lost track of time and needs to go to work (I was under the impression he was off). Saturday night he was supposed to come home after work, and I was stood up a second time, this one with no call OR no text. (he does this a lot-standing me up) A part of me knows he is not ready for a relationship, but im just doing what I feel is right. I’m also trying real hard not to worry about what he doing and concentrating more on me. We talked about this the other night, and what i got was im ready and hes not. Fine with me, its just that for a minute there I almost convinced myself that it was I who was NOT ready for a relationship, when indeed I am. Just not ready for a relationship with him or his situation. So, that’s just a little background on my SO, as you may be hearing about him from time to time.

Some say I’m being used but I don’t care. The man is very good to me and my needs in bed so who’s the one using who? The question today is how long do you wait before you have a live in relationship with your SO? Is there a time frame?


Blogger Quaheem said...

I cannot even fathom living with someon within the first year or two of meeting them...Hell..these days I cant even fathom LIVING with anyone I am weird like that..

I do think you run tremendous risks by moving so quickly into sharing a domicile with your SO..

Personal space is precious and you need to know (as best as you can, BEFOREhand) that you can easily SHARE that space with love, devotion, and respect.

11:25 PM  
Blogger T. Zac. R. d V. said...

Pa' this situation is VERY familiar to me. I think you should not let him live with you for more than 90 days and tell him as soon as possible.

11:56 PM  
Blogger Ya boy Maurice said...

Wow!! I could not imagine someone staying with me and there was no commitment. You aint staying in my house and going out messing with every Thom,Dick, and Harry. AIDS is to rampant right now for me.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

Okay so now that I know who SO are the perfect subject for my next book!!

Hmm..your interesting

But KICK that muthafatha to the curb. Evicted? What, clearly he's irresponsible-we are leaving irresponsible people in 2005!

Anyway, let me not interject my personal opinions, i think relationships are bogus anyway...hmm, read on Trent, Read on...

12:17 PM  
Blogger That Dude Right There said...

Welcome to the blog world. Now that I have done that, I have to give you a little advice.

He is not moving out til you get so fed up with him coming in late, not paying bills, not buying food and not contributing, that you put his ass out.

11:18 PM  

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