Monday, December 12, 2005

Weekend in Review

This weekend would have to be the best I have had in all year. My days off went by in a flash, but some real good news. I finally got ahold of family that I haven’t spoken to in over 4 years. We kind of estranged ourselves, mainly due to differences in opinion. I planned a last minute trip to California to see my mother and brothers/sisters. I will be leaving on Friday, December 23 and coming back Monday night. I haven’t left ATL since I moved here in 2001 so I’m real excited about flying. I’ll have a lengthy layover in Vegas on the way back, so this is really something to look forward to. Countdown is 11 days.

Besides this great event this past weekend not else been up over here. Mr. D was taken to Cheesecake Factory for his bday on Friday. Went out to have drinks after. Making a mental note NOT to go to Club 708 in Atlanta anymore. The music is hype but for some reason Mr. D keeps insisting on going there the times I do get out. I never really have a good time when I go but I'm glad he was able to enjoy himself. I know it may sound soft but I was kind of thinking of SO most of the time. Only because we had a real rich conversation about family and life like a few minutes before I left the house and it kind of left us hanging when I left. I find it funny because just the other day I posted about CA, and then a few days later my mother responded to my letter I sent to some PO Box she rarely checks. I really was not expecting her to call and I was not expecting this trip but I am so glad that it's happening. The rest of the weekend I just got some much needed rest. I rented some movies and just hung out at home. Other than that, I will have to say it’s a wrap for now.


Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

The Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorite resturants....hmm.
Hit me up when you come to Cali, maybe we can have a photo op and go to that whole in the wall roscoes you despise so much.

Congratulations on reuniting with your's a great feeling, enjoy the moment while it's here.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good that you're getting up with your family - that's special.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Clay said...

very good you reconnected with your fam right around the holiday season - kinda like a Lifetime Movie!!! :)

4:38 PM  

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