Georgia On My Mind
It has been a significant amount of time since my last posting and for good reason. I have been busy like you couldn’t believe. I am leaving Georgia exactly one week from today and my procrastinating ass has been playing catch up with just about everything on my to do list. Is it me or are there just NOT enough hours in the day to handle biz? Anyway somehow through all this moving mess I am somehow juggling spending my last few days in town with some of my favorite people in the ATL. One in particular my girl Shortcake who has been down for me since we’ve met a few years back. Yesterday we met up at the movies to watch ATL.

I really meant to go last weekend to support T.I. and all since they tried to hate on his movie so bad out here. The whole thing was some head of security over at this mall out here called Perimeter decided to send an email to other security officials at other metro locations to forewarn of a “possible altercation” on the release night of the film. WTF??? Here is T.I. the first rapper to put out a CD and star in a movie in the same week and they’re going to try and hate on the man’s success. I really enjoyed the whole skating concept because my boys and I used to hang out at the roller rink like that too when I was younger so it really took me back a few years. Maybe it means I was biased because the film has gotten mixed reviews. Honestly it did lack a good story line but it did a fantastic job portraying the cozy and laidback lifestyle of the South just as it planned out to do. I think the reason it lacked a good plot is because according to its producers it was loosely based on the lives of Tionne T-Boz Watkins and Atlanta producer Dallas Austin and maybe it was just them two with just too much to tell in too little time. Besides that the movie was good in my opinion. I don’t even know what the big deal was about cause the movie really didn’t have a whole lot of violent scenes or anything that would provoke any such behavior from anyone. Although nowadays it really doesn’t take much to get something started, I do believe the email was a false alarm with ill intent. Just along with everything else that goes down here. It seems like the minute I moved out here I went into a time machine and went 40 years back. If it’s not the officer who tackled the white lady down at the airport, it’s the concept of the city’s adopted song and if it’s not that it’s the city’s former black mayor on trial for racketeering and tax fraud. If that wasn’t enough then it’s the immigrants fighting to stay here illegally with benefits and if it’s not that it’s Cynthia McKinney’s ghetto self slugging people. The race card is a hot topic down in the South and it has been interesting experiencing it here . Race is still an issue in just about every part of the world but I honestly have not been so close to the brunt of its consequences until I moved to Atl in 2002. Am I complaining? Hell no. History is more than just words imprinted in books and recited in classrooms. I believe we make history everyday. It is the foundation of our society and really tells a story on how we are as people and how we have evolved with the times to live more peacefully. To experience modern day issues here and be a part of it for as long as I have been able to experience has truly been a blessing. I met some wonderful people out here and really enjoyed the commodities of living a relaxed urban lifestyle within city limits at an affordable price. I definitely plan on returning here and purchase my first home in a few years however right now my family and personal issues are requiring me to chill in the West Coast for a while so I hope they’re ready for me. Here are some of the things I will miss the most about ATL:
Fried Chicken (the real way)
Golden Corral
The brothas
The outlet stores
Affordable housing
The brothas
Spoken Word venues
Did I say the brothas lol
Sweet Tea
Six Flags Over Georgia
Lennox Mall and the Phipps Plaza
Stone Mountain and Piedmont Park
There’s a whole lot more I could add to this list but there’s no need to get mushy. I hate mushiness. I felt bad because on my last day of work a coworker came ready with a camera and was all smiles and cheery wanting to take my picture and I quickly muttered I wasn’t in the mood at the moment. Without hesitation the broad said “forget it then, I won’t take shit”. She politely put her camera back in her purse and threw it on her desk. LOL. Was she offended? Hell, I was offended. I’m used to people being all like “come on, don’t be like that” and be really annoying and persisting where you finally break down and be like "okay fine let’s take a picture" and it’s all over and done with. This lady wasn’t hearing any of that and I got no mushiness. But a part of me wanted it when it was taken away. I hate that lol. Always wanting what we can’t have. Anyhow I have taken enough pictures with certain people the past couple of days.

Left to Right: (aka Shortcake, aka Yours Truly, aka Morehouse)
Why is it that I feel so important now that I’m getting ready to leave? All of a sudden I’m one hot tamale, I should announce a departure more often huh. I think the Atl brotha’s have also been slowin up the process here. My phone been off the hook! I certainly am NOT complaining on the southern “hospitality” I have been getting from my many favorite ATL jumpoffs my last few days here. Okay not many, just maybe three. They are all unique in their own way and they will each be missed in their own way. It’s just time to move on to a different chapter in my life. If they were meant to be anything else more in my life then I am certain they will reappear later on in my story. As far as my friends are concerned they are sure they can visit me out there and vice versa. I will miss ATL while I’m gone, but I’m definitely NOT saying “good bye” but a firm “see you later”.
"Gettin' Some Head" Shawna

I really meant to go last weekend to support T.I. and all since they tried to hate on his movie so bad out here. The whole thing was some head of security over at this mall out here called Perimeter decided to send an email to other security officials at other metro locations to forewarn of a “possible altercation” on the release night of the film. WTF??? Here is T.I. the first rapper to put out a CD and star in a movie in the same week and they’re going to try and hate on the man’s success. I really enjoyed the whole skating concept because my boys and I used to hang out at the roller rink like that too when I was younger so it really took me back a few years. Maybe it means I was biased because the film has gotten mixed reviews. Honestly it did lack a good story line but it did a fantastic job portraying the cozy and laidback lifestyle of the South just as it planned out to do. I think the reason it lacked a good plot is because according to its producers it was loosely based on the lives of Tionne T-Boz Watkins and Atlanta producer Dallas Austin and maybe it was just them two with just too much to tell in too little time. Besides that the movie was good in my opinion. I don’t even know what the big deal was about cause the movie really didn’t have a whole lot of violent scenes or anything that would provoke any such behavior from anyone. Although nowadays it really doesn’t take much to get something started, I do believe the email was a false alarm with ill intent. Just along with everything else that goes down here. It seems like the minute I moved out here I went into a time machine and went 40 years back. If it’s not the officer who tackled the white lady down at the airport, it’s the concept of the city’s adopted song and if it’s not that it’s the city’s former black mayor on trial for racketeering and tax fraud. If that wasn’t enough then it’s the immigrants fighting to stay here illegally with benefits and if it’s not that it’s Cynthia McKinney’s ghetto self slugging people. The race card is a hot topic down in the South and it has been interesting experiencing it here . Race is still an issue in just about every part of the world but I honestly have not been so close to the brunt of its consequences until I moved to Atl in 2002. Am I complaining? Hell no. History is more than just words imprinted in books and recited in classrooms. I believe we make history everyday. It is the foundation of our society and really tells a story on how we are as people and how we have evolved with the times to live more peacefully. To experience modern day issues here and be a part of it for as long as I have been able to experience has truly been a blessing. I met some wonderful people out here and really enjoyed the commodities of living a relaxed urban lifestyle within city limits at an affordable price. I definitely plan on returning here and purchase my first home in a few years however right now my family and personal issues are requiring me to chill in the West Coast for a while so I hope they’re ready for me. Here are some of the things I will miss the most about ATL:
Fried Chicken (the real way)
Golden Corral
The brothas
The outlet stores
Affordable housing
The brothas
Spoken Word venues
Did I say the brothas lol
Sweet Tea
Six Flags Over Georgia
Lennox Mall and the Phipps Plaza
Stone Mountain and Piedmont Park
There’s a whole lot more I could add to this list but there’s no need to get mushy. I hate mushiness. I felt bad because on my last day of work a coworker came ready with a camera and was all smiles and cheery wanting to take my picture and I quickly muttered I wasn’t in the mood at the moment. Without hesitation the broad said “forget it then, I won’t take shit”. She politely put her camera back in her purse and threw it on her desk. LOL. Was she offended? Hell, I was offended. I’m used to people being all like “come on, don’t be like that” and be really annoying and persisting where you finally break down and be like "okay fine let’s take a picture" and it’s all over and done with. This lady wasn’t hearing any of that and I got no mushiness. But a part of me wanted it when it was taken away. I hate that lol. Always wanting what we can’t have. Anyhow I have taken enough pictures with certain people the past couple of days.

Left to Right: (aka Shortcake, aka Yours Truly, aka Morehouse)
Why is it that I feel so important now that I’m getting ready to leave? All of a sudden I’m one hot tamale, I should announce a departure more often huh. I think the Atl brotha’s have also been slowin up the process here. My phone been off the hook! I certainly am NOT complaining on the southern “hospitality” I have been getting from my many favorite ATL jumpoffs my last few days here. Okay not many, just maybe three. They are all unique in their own way and they will each be missed in their own way. It’s just time to move on to a different chapter in my life. If they were meant to be anything else more in my life then I am certain they will reappear later on in my story. As far as my friends are concerned they are sure they can visit me out there and vice versa. I will miss ATL while I’m gone, but I’m definitely NOT saying “good bye” but a firm “see you later”.
"Gettin' Some Head" Shawna
that was a nice homage to the a. not my steeze, but it's good you found a place to feel comfortable.
I love that Shawna song!
Will you miss the brotha's?
Why are folks trying to hit you up now that your leaving? That's jacked up! Where were dem jump offs before? *eyeroll* MEN! UGH!
I'm with you on this...but for real - you can think you're only saying a firm, see you later - you're not. Just having experienced a huge transition myself to a completely different part of the country - you're really saying good bye to some people. Look at it like this. Yo've been blessed to high tail it to another area of life...some folks DON'T NEED to included with you any more. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's life!
I thought I was saying a firm see you later...nah, it's been good bye every since. It's hard too - hard as hell...but it's necessary! Good luck on your future endeavors. And um...quit posting once a month - we need more - we need more!
Thanks for your take on the movie...I should definitely peep that out now because I've heard good things about the movie from other folks.
so where are you moving to? I'm moving back to the A at the end of the year.
When I left Atlanta in April of 04, I really didn't want to go. But a job was calling in Birmingham. And then I moved to Chicago. But sitting in my room one day watching television in Chicago's beautiful downtown, I said to myself, "I miss Atlanta." The next day, I got in my car, drove back to Atlanta and found an apartment. A month later, I was pulling a Uhaul trailer down I65S to I24E, to I75S, to I285E to N Druid Hills Rd.
I say all this to say (no matter what Jamal Franklin says), you will be back because there is no place like Atlanta, GA!
Damn We hate to loose a good positive educated man like yourself from the city. Hopefully you will find your way back someday but if not....I wish you a prosperous life and I hope you can get all the peace and serenity you need. I just hope you have a great life and find that love that is going to love you as hard as you love them.
im so trying to see ATL, sigh.
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