I'm a King...

I'm a King...
"Connected nationwide within the south, just respect it and keep my name out your mouth.." (I'm a King, PSC) OK, not really royalty yet, but I sure think I am in this shot. This is latino mean muggin' at it's phynest LOL!
*heavy sigh*
... Soforeal was sodam bored this weekend. You can tell I had too much time on my hands. So I got to doing some thinking and I realized today I gotta get out of ATL for a while. I know I will be doing some traveling this summer, first to Miami in July and then to California right after for a few months. I’m only supposed to be there for a month or two on business but depending how things go I might just end up living there again. I really enjoy living in Atlanta but to be honest I was really looking for the closest thing to a city to Miami that was not actually in Florida. During my 4 year tenure here in ATL I have seen and experienced things that often made me question my motives in this city. I do feel a sense of gratitude to the blessings given to me since I have moved here. I landed a good job and evolved into manhood as I matured and grew more of a person both physically and mental. HOWEVER….I am really missing the beach. I mean it's accessible by plane but I miss having it close by. Having grown up in Miami I got sort of spoiled to the sun and the ocean and have grown to really enjoy all that has to do with it, for example rollerblading and jet skiing. I lived in CA for a while and when I was there I fell in love with Venice and Santa Monica beach. I relished the warm weather and beautiful people and I was just in total awe. I lived in the Mid Wilshire district and my boy and I would ditch our cars and take the Metro Rapid down the boulevard straight to the beach almost every weekend. So when I went back for the holidays, even though it was a very short stay I realized how much of it I missed. Then it led me to start evaluating what I had here. A few good friendships, mainly co-workers, a few jumpoffs, a great career. But is this it? Do I want to compromise my happiness for a few extra g's a year? I ran from California because the cost of living was so high but the saying is true that "you get what you pay for". Now that I am realizing that the cost of living is catching up to the west coast I am really re-evaluating some ish. My mother wants me to stay for good because she knows I would be very successful doing real estate with the family and I know I would prove her right, but I would have to readjust all over again. I have little complaints about Georgia the people have been very good to me and being originally from FL it quickly became a second home. My only beef with the town is its amenities. Or in this case, lack of.

So…I believe that this opportunity to travel this summer and having my family around is what's driving me to push harder on this working out and eating healthy tip. My mother’s doing it also, we kind of set a goal for the summer since we’re having two weddings going on in the family. Making it a lifestyle change is probably the best thing I could have ever done for myself because it came at a time when I would have gone into a slump. I feel so much better about myself because I am looking great and already seeing improvements in a lot of areas in my life. For example I’ve been able to be less stressed at work and I sleep a lot better at night. When people say diet and exercise make you feel like a new person, they couldn’t be any more sincere. So, I’m going to keep it up cause I'm feeling so great about myself. The only thing is I can give up the sugar and sodas, but it's so dam hard to say good bye to fried chicken. LOL. One of the things that’s working for me is to have a cheat day. Which for me, is Sunday, when I get to eat whatever in moderation. That way I have something to look forward to during the week while keeping my eye on the prize.
"Already" Slim Thug feat. Trey Songz
Wow, good luck in your decision on where to lay your head....
It's okay to have a cheat day, we are not supposed to completely eliminate any food groups in our daily diet, so having a piece of fried chicken every blue moon won't hurt you. Your also right about feeling better with lifestyle changes.
I see you trying to be cute mean muggin'! mmmm hmmm LOL
love the pic. i dont think i've been to your site before. i'll definitely be back.
hm...miami-ish city not in florida? caracas!
and there's always honolulu.
my favorite rap southernism:
"if you ain't from dahn heah, don't come rahn heah."
Do ur thing playboy!
Movin to ATL for a slice of Cuban pie baby!! LOL
I love cheat day also, I had keylime cheese cake pie from Astoria pastry shop here. It was da bomb. I agree with you a few extra g's per year is not worth it. If you are not having the quality of life that you want. you should definately get moving. If you are happy the money will come. The way the economy is going you could be out of those extra g's at any moment and then be literally stuck in a place you don't want to be. Get movin papi!
well sir, whatever you decide i am sure it will be for the best ... i am saddened to hear that you are not happy in my hometown, but oh well!
and as far as the lifestyle change, congrats on that!
i will be well on my way to make that happen soon!
Forget all those other places.. MOVE TO CHICAGO
Um, don't listen to Dreds...don't move to Chicago - ain't nothing there - lol. Move to Memphis - you can't get into any trouble there - lol.
Coming Into Reality,
Boy you better quit tryin to front me and move to L.A. so we can hangout on the sidewalk cabana and have soy latte's with our new bodies.
You need to hook me up with your cousin Carlos so we can have mixed babies....!
Anyway V4P avoid the hurricanes and move out west cause we are the best!!!
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