Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Manager's Etiquette 101

Is it me or does it not feel like a new year? Today does but it didn’t feel like one yesterday. I wasn’t feeling much at all yesterday morning because I called in sick to work. I wasn’t clinically ill but my mind and body was tired. I think maybe I was still recovering from jet lag from last weekend when I had to conform my body rest from EST to PST within just a few days difference. Many people were off yesterday, like banks, other offices, etc. so why weren’t we? I work for an insurance company and if it’s not a major holiday-we are working. So this is how our conversation went yesterday morning..

Manager: Good morning this is (his name) may I help you?

Soforeal: Yes, good morning (his name) I’m sorry but I am not feeling well today at all. I have had a high fever all last night and this morning I woke up extremely congested. It hurts when I speak.

Manager: Uh-huh.

5 second delay….

Soforeal: I’m going to hope I can get better today so I can come in tomorrow. Is that alright?

Manager: Yep.

Soforeal: Okay thank you.

Manager hangs up.

Lord knows I am not an irresponsible person so this kind of takes me by surprise. I started working for this “company” last summer and I know this is only the second time I call in sick. The first time the conversation was very similar. It’s dry and inconsiderate. Sounds like they need a course in Manager's Etiquette 101. I mean damn at least try to pretend to be concerned for my well being. I don’t care that you think I’m trying to extend a holiday weekend on a day I’m supposed to be at work, but at least say "hope you feel better" if you don't really mean it. Maybe manager was just giving me a dose of soforeal by not faking the funk, but I got real with it too and went straight back to sleep when that awful conversation was over. It's not phasing me though. I’m not even going to discuss the whole tuition reimbursement drama that went down last month before year end either. There are things about this “company” that get on my nerve but the funny thing about it is that the "company" is one of the stressors I let go and let God about for the new year. Only because I know He has something in the works for me. There will be some changes this year and it may or may not include this “company”, so I’m not really trippen on them for the 06. I just thought that it’s funny that people act like this at the workplace. So anyway I did get some much needed rest for a second day in a row yesterday and now I am fully recovered and ready to start this work week. Not much has been going on but my PC at home is trippen so I haven’t been able to use any of my messengers or check my personal email until later this week-that really sucks. Also yesterday morning I made a swift comment to SO about having to get on the ball on his move. I really have been considering the business I got to handle in CA as a priority and I would hate to leave SO behind in a predicament where he felt like he wasn’t given enough time. He came to the Soforeal domain in November, so we are quickly approaching 90 days. He went to look for apartments yesterday while I stayed at home and enjoyed sleep in my own bed with my own self for the first time this year.


Blogger Ladynay said...

Okay is ANYBODY happy with their job?

Most of my off and online friends have either changed positions, quit, or seriously considering leaving their current post.

I think it's ight your manager didn't fake emotions. Personally I'd rather him be nochalant then fake that he cares, but that's just me.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Cash S. said...

Managers always throw shade when you call off. You could have the nurse from the hospital your in call your job for you, and they'd still throw shade. Don't worry about it thought, take your day to get better, and smile in the managers face when you walk in tomorrow!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

P.S. I sent you a message asking you something? Did you ever get it? Or was it lost in the computer issues?

2:12 PM  
Blogger soforeal said...


I have not been able to use my PC at home for about a week. I should be able to access it by Friday.

2:22 PM  
Blogger admin said...

Your manager was dry! But I show no concern to my students when they tell me they won't be in class. They have some elaborate excuses.

6:50 PM  
Blogger That Dude Right There said...

A day of rest! That's what I need and that's what I am gonna do with my Thursday. I ain't even getting out of the bed. Thanks for reminding me.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Stone said...

You know something you just need a day off to bring yourself back. So I say take the day the job will be there tomorrow but make sure you are feeling well in all areas of you.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

I just got fired...LOL.


I can't wait till i get rich enuf to have everyone on my payroll

4:17 AM  
Blogger @GaryTylone said...

That's why I never speak to managers when I call off..explaining NOTHING! I call when I know I'm gonna get Vmail and I talk to that. " I won't be in today." I'm an adult, I don't feel the need to carry on with symptons.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ur manager was just bein a biotch. A whole bunch of people think that they no longer have to be nice just cause they got some power. Tell ur manager she's just a skip and a jump away from not having a job herself so she could put that where? Back there.


11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a manager I understand this fully. I don't treat my people this way at all because mental, physical illness and if you tired doesn't do me any good. I suggest many times for people to stay home and rest up. Corporate America is brutal to the mind, soul and body if you are not careful and establish your boundaries on what you can and cannot do, work can consume you. I take off all the time and work from home if I am not feeling well enough for the visit to the office.

1:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i am glad i like my boss and she is always receptive. but then again, she did get me this job!


11:12 AM  
Blogger ShawnQt said...

beat em'. lol.

5:12 AM  
Blogger WATER said...

Experiences like these only can prepare you for bigger and better things to come in the new year...

Managers always TRY it because they feel the need to MANAGE people & situations all the time...there is no divide...

11:48 AM  

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