Fade Me Up Shawty

So I never went to the movies with Eastside. I got all lined up, so fresh and so clean only for us to hang out at his crib and mess each other up on Mortal Kombat. Sometime between the time I got there and after a few rounds of Kombat I started to realize maybe going to see a movie wouldn’t be such a great idea. So instead we kind of just hung out and I was saved by the bell by Mr. D who called and asked me to meet him, his date, and Marya and friends at Chili’s. So much for that date, you know, but the hell with it. Having spent time with Eastside I made the conclusion I will have to put him in the friend zone. I have valid reason to. So during my time with D and friends at Chili’s I was thinking to myself that I should have taken Marya out to the movies instead. THAT would have been more like the date I was feening for. LOL We had such a good time downing Martini’s and eating buffalo wings we almost forgot about Mr. D and his date. Mr. D and his date sat at one table and Marya and I at another and there was another small group of us at another table. Mr. D said Marya and I looked good together and how could he be wrong? We were both just too fine for our own good. She has such a great personality, we made each other laugh the whole time. Marya is very beautiful with deep cocoa skin and radiant brown eyes and she was looking on point that night too, but a hook up would never happen because we are just friends.
So that’s pretty much how Saturday night went. I hung out at the barber shop earlier that day and also had a great workout at the gym. Speaking of barber shops I’m thinking if I DO end up moving up outta ATL I’m going to have to find another barber again. I’ve been going to the same guy for 4 years and I haven’t been able to find a barber who can line me up better than him. Why are good barbers hard to find in ATL? The guy I go to is about 25 miles from where I live. He used to be closer when I lived in the southern part of the city but when I moved northward last year to another apartment it put me a little over 25 miles from his shop. I wish he would make house calls, it would save me a lot of gas in my car. So I went to this one guy a few months ago who was a lot closer to where I live and I absolutely hated the cut. I had to go home and redo my own line up. It was ridiculous. However something kind of told me ahead of time that he wouldn’t be any good. I’m not too sure if it was the outdated Barkley poster on the wall or the fact that it was just only one person in front of me. You know you’re about to get cut by a good barber if you have to wait 1-2 whole hours before you get your haircut. It’s a given. A barber with very little business, especially on a Saturday morning in ATL, is more than likely NOT a good barber. Just my experience. However my barber is really on my payroll cause I’m in his chair EVERY week. I’ve heard before that there’s something about a haircut that makes a man feel more presentable and more good about himself. I concur and I know I’m getting my money’s worth because my week is NOT right without a haircut. I’m dreading my travel plans this summer because I will be in CA first and then FL, folks is getting married, and I sure hope my brother or cousin know some good barbers who can fade a brotha up. How about celebrities who have their own folk traveling with them? I’m thinking when I become a celebrity I will have to hire my own personal barber like the rest of them do and save a lot of time and trouble.
Valentine is around the corner have you been shot by cupid? I have plans set on wooing over my out of town crush Jersey,my boy in PA. He’s coming to the ATL by the end of this month for a week and I can hardly wait to see him. I might even send him something for Valentine’s, since I’m not having any luck finding a quality date in this dam city. My mother’s getting flowers for sure. Or chocolate. Flowers or chocolate? It will have to be courier’ed (is that a word) since she is in CA so I’m thinking flowers cause chocolate will probably melt. Anyway she will be so excited cause she just moved to a new house and she doesn’t even know I have her new address yet cause I asked my sister for it. If anyone is any more deserving of all this love and energy I have this year for Valentine it would definitely be my mom.
“Your Behind” Trey Songz
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm there's nothing like a clean cut man!
I hear a lot of men say that good barbers are hard to find....interesting
You are so hood.
You know one of the reasons why I had dreads is because I am very particular about who I let in my hair. It's such a sacred place.
Thats why I do my own hair now plus I am cheap...
And I had to stop going to the barber because I never did understand why they like rubbin their dicks into your shoulders and crap, that annoys me...Well sometimes.
bummer on eastside. or, apparently not.
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