Friday, February 03, 2006

Dating Scorpio and the Eastside

Do you remember your first date? I used to have a lot of crushes when I was in middle school and I was notorious for that around the girls. I started kind of young. It wasn't of sexual intent back then, my mind wasn’t even on that (as much). It was more of a schoolyard crush kind of thing, can I carry your books? Is your mom still on the phone? Do you have permission to go out tonight, that kind of thing. Well, I remember there was this puertorican chic who moved in across the street from me, and she was like off limits because her family were kind of stuck up and not social. I grew up in a neighborhood with mostly boys around my same age, so I guess her family had her own reasons for kind of shielding her from us all the time. I mean, she went straight home from school and that’s all she wrote. Well anyway to make a long story short I was the bold one who started talking to the chic and found out her name (call her Scopio for now) and asked her out on, what I can remember, one of my first "real dates". It’s so funny I still remember stuff like this. All the ganja I done had in my past might have me forgettin some of this so it’s important I write this down LOL. We went on this date and I remember all about it. We went to see “Sleeping with the Enemy” with Julia Roberts and I had popcorn (to this day I have to have popcorn) and she had a Crunch bar. After the movie, we walked the mall and my aunt picked us up and then we hung out some more at my house. We “made out” in my grandmother’s backyard that day. All was good for a few short months and then her mother moved again and that was the end of it. We ended up running into each other again as I got older, and she was stripping, and hanging out with the wrong crowd and I can go on and on about Scorpio, but this ain’t about her right now. Maybe I will post about her later but the point I was trying to make is that I do remember that first date and it’s sketched in my memory. She used to scribble a lot of “(her name) heart (my name) 4ever” in my school books and I remember reading that a few years ago going through some real old stuff. LOL, what happened to 4ever? I also found a cassette tape I made for her back then with a whole bunch of old Stevie B, New Edition, TKA, Tommy Page (remember him), Bobby, yeah they was all on the tape. It really took me back! If only I can talk to her now…last time we talked was about 6 years ago so only time will tell.

Anyway this weekend I will be venturing on a different kind of date. Not anything like the one above, but I haven’t really gone on a real date in a long time. SO and I would hang out but they never really felt like dates. It was more like, “do you want to do this today" type of thing. We had some good times but I’m taking about an old fashioned date with Eastside. I met Eastside last year but never gave too much attention cause I was caught up like Ursher. I’ve been on outings with others that kind of felt like dates, but it was like I was never really there because my thoughts would be on someone else. Most of my “dates” haven't been classy at all. It would often lead to some type of action and there goes a good ole fashioned date. However this time things will be different. Eastside can have my full attention now. We're calling this a date and we want to go to dinner and a movie in one of the nicer parts of town. Eastside is hot I will really promise to try to keep my hands off of them. I did say TRY, operative word here. LOL. They want to see “Something New” and I want to see “Underworld”. They was like we can see both. Oh, really, I haven’t movie hopped since I was 16. There some ghetto in him cause he’s from Miami too and it wouldn’t surprise me if that was his intent. Don’t even front because what are we supposed to do, leave the theater after one movie only to stand in line AGAIN and pay AGAIN for another one. There some ghetto in me too if we have to movie hop we will, I don’t care. I've given thousands and thousands of dollars to the movie industry if I add it all up. It would be our way of stickin it to the man, LOL, right. No, actually what I’m talking about is me trying things different for the ‘06. No longer looking for anything other than some normalcy. I’m really going to be doing me this year and try to live life right. I would like for us to just have a good ole fashioned date, nothing more, nothing less. I’ll let you know how it works out.

"Two Fingers" David Banner feat. Jagged Edge


Blogger Ladynay said...

Leave the trees alone! I think it's funny that you remember so much about your first date, down to what kinda candy she had...cute!

Have a good time with Eastside and call and leave a message if your coming home late. *smile*

8:04 AM  
Blogger Waddie G. said...

I miss the old-fashion kind of dates too...I hate these kind of dates now-a-days where it's just chillin' (b.k.a. dating a broke ass nigga).

4:32 PM  
Blogger ShawnQt said...

Man I remember grade school love, writing notes back and forth in class... everything was just so overwhealming then... now. ha!

I can't front, it isnt that bad now either.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

you are so funny...

not a mixed tape though. I don't remember my first date...OMG YES I DO.



12:58 PM  
Blogger Karamale said...

the story about scorpio sounds like an outkast song.

and yes, if both of y'all are from miami, y'all both ghetto, naturally. in duval, we used to say ghetto people live on numbered streets. MIAMI AIN'T NOTHING BUT NUMBERED STREETS!

(ghetto azz)

2:00 PM  

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